Do you want to know more? Contact us
Save the Olives ONLUS is a non-profit organization of volunteers tackling the Xylella Fastidiosa epidemic in Apulia, southern Italy.
Get in touch with us
To request information, to help us or for any other request, please contact us at the following addresses.
Piazza Antonio Dell’Abate 4
73039 Tricase – Lecce – Italia

Help us to support research with a donation
In the ADOPT section you can adopt a monumental olive tree or make a free donation.
Every contribution is valuable!
To make a donation by bank transfer, you must send payment indicating “Save The Olives Donation” as the reason for payment
IBAN – IT 80 R 05262 80110 CC0210240260
Banca Popolare Pugliese – Filiale di Tricase